Wednesday, March 28, 2007

‘The teenage years are the best years of one’s life.’ Would you agree with this view?

Yes, i would agree with this to a moderate extent. However, in my opinion, teenage years are one of the best years but not the most. As to sum it all, youth should be considered as the best years in one's life.

In my opinion, teenage years are one of the more smooth-sailing years in one's life. To sum it all, it is the time which majority of teenagers do not have to worry about putting bread onto the table. It is also the time which teenagers can let down their hair and enjoy themselves throughly. It is at this period of time which teenagers can afford to take risks and try various activities to broaden their perspective. They too have less worries compared to the working adults. In a nut shell, the 'role' of majority of singapore teenagers is basically to study, to grow and to enjoy.

As a teenager myself, I find myself quite fortunate as I can get to participate in various sports and aesthetic programmes organised either in school or outside school. Time could be spend on going out to catch a movie or even enjoy myself with friends during the holidays besides school based activities. It is the time which we can expand our social circle and meet more people and that might be what the adults are missing out due to their busy work schedule. I guess that socialising and making more friends could most probably be done during our teenage years due to the more spare time which we have.

In addition, teenage years are the time which allow teenagers to acquire different experiences and to grow in the process. It is the time when teenagers can explore into different fields and can even afford to make mistakes. These mistakes can then allow them to sprout and become a better person in the future.

However, I do not mean that the mistakes, that teenagers make, can be justified. Instead, I feel that they can make use of these time -during this teenage years-to repent and to become a better person next time. And ultimately, to become a good citizen of Singapore in the future.

Though some may beg to differ but indeed, inevitably, the adults have much more to worry compared to us, teenagers. The adults have a lot on hand to fret about be it work, money and even their future. Compared to future working adults, I must say that we, teenagers, are so much more fortunate in comparison to people living in the past. Hence, in a way or so, teenage years are one of the best time in one's life.


hui said...

For starters, your very first sentence simply reminds one of the many essays written for Social Studies.

What I liked about your blog entry is that you made an effort to make your posting balanced even though you only briefly mentioned it in the last paragraph.

I also agree with you on many points. For example, teenagers have the opportunity to explore into different fields.


Anonymous said...

I agree with hui, the first paragraph sounds like social studies essay.

You have put acrossed your points clearly and i also agree that teenage years are in fact, the best years of one life. However, we must take note that we have not gone through adult life, thus shows our immaturity and the lack of life experiences to do this topic, even though u did mention about adult life.

Overall, it was considerably job well done. :D